DO you every feel there,s not enough hours in the day to do every thing you need to do and
every thing you want to do? , please tell me you feel a little bit the same as it would be good to know i am not alone in feeling run ragged !! Honestly if Christmas could be re
scheduled for mid Jan I would be thrilled . As well as working six long days a week at the moment , Christmas is the
busiest time of year at the farm/
farm shop /tearooms ,and I make all the food/ gift hampers and I have made 100,s of them( please
don't mention bows!) and I am in constant demand from customers as well as doing the 93 other jobs that I do in a day.. at work I am focused and organised .. and then I come home and TRY to to sort home life, sorry to bore you with the flood/
barn room saga.. but we( D and I) have been flat out painting ,staining and cleaning to try to get it ready for Christmas , we were up till 2 in the morning
yesterday and we are still days off finishing , Scream... as well as trying to sort Christmas on top of all this , on the up side I have
written my Christmas cards , but
nt bought half the
presents I need and i
nt , ho and then
theres that to do and then
theres this to do , any way you get the picture.. so please could you arrange for Christmas to be in January some time I would be
indebted for life ,honestly!!

I bought this lovey cake stand ( YES you guessed from good old
Morrison's for £5)its for my mince pies, ho god there to make.....
erm ... buy from work!!! there another thing sorted... phew

A couple of weeks ago I left a
optimistic bid on some thing on
Ebay and forgot about it as I knew I
wouldn't win it because of the miserly amount I had bid or so i thought but
Ya ... I won this adorable little 1950,s fella , for 99p , yes I
couldn't believe it either...

Hes had a tough life but is still handsome..

and looks rather jaunty with his polka dot bow don't you think? but as it is Christmas I thought of this hymn.. rather fitting don't you think? its one of my favourite Christmas songs , whats yours? the saying keep calm and carry on is so so so apt don't you think at this time of year? loving all you festive posts and love when you leave comments..
xxxxxxx Little donkey, little donkey
On the dusty road
Got to keep on plodding onwards
With your precious load.
Been a long time, little donkey
Through the winter's night
Don't give up now, little donkey
Bethlehem's in sight.
Ring out those bells tonight
Bethlehem, Bethlehem
Follow that star tonight
Bethlehem, Bethlehem.
Little donkey, little donkey
Had a heavy day
Little donkey
Carry Mary safely on her way.
Little donkey, little donkey
On the dusty road
There are wise men waiting for a
Sign to bring them here.
Do not falter, little donkey
There's a star ahead
It will guide you, little donkey
To a cattle shed.
Ring out those bells tonight
Bethlehem, Bethlehem
Follow that star tonight
Bethlehem, Bethlehem.