When we arrived home two large bouquet of flowers were waiting for me in our out building ,sent by friends, and a little parcel I had ordered from a fellow blogger and craft er, i will let you see next post..
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Hello friends, I have taken refuge in the garden (so sunny i can hardly see the screen), as a certain sporting event is on , and D who is not usually a foot ball fan is glued to the telly, and i would rather be boiled in oil (well sun tan cream ,damn its hot!!) than watch football..
Thought I would let you know I had a fab day on my birthday on Thursday , and share what I got up too.. Well we all went to Harrogate as a family , it was a really lovely sunny day , and after coffee in the garden and cinnamon croissants, we took the scenic route to Harrogate which is a beautiful old spar town and a shoppers Paradise, Our first stop was for more coffee.... At the institution that is Betty's tea rooms, which is a small chain of very classy old fashioned tea rooms, they make wonder full cakes, one called a fat rascal that is a bit like a fruit scone , and Delicious... a real treat ...
This is me and my lovely handsome son ( am i so proud of him or what!) sat out in the sun ( I am wearing my tesco rose special!)having a short break from shopping, he needed to recover after i spent so long in Cath Kidstons, she had started her sale on my birthday which was so good of her!!! So many things i would have liked , but i settled for some mini Stanley fabric to make Cuth bert a bandanna ( my vintage fox terrier on wheels that was my main birthday pressie), a purse and key fob, as I had bought some other cath Kidston thing from EBay... i will reveal all latter....
After visiting Toast , Laura Ashley's ,tk max , white stuff, and a fab vintage retro shop ( I try ed on a pale blue and white polka dot 50,s prom frock, ho I did love it, but it was tiny in body and length , and would not fit, probably a good job, as my prom days are well and truly over!!!
At lunch time I was treated to lunch at a great Italian restaurant called Jakes, a huge old building over three floors , great service and the food was Delicious , I had fresh tomato and basil soup, followed by sardines on ciabatta and an amazing salad, we all had the soup and we all voted it the best we ever had! they sun was pouring in ans we pretended we were in Florence!!
My son looks fed up here , but actually he was hot and starving you know how teenagers can get when they have not eaten for 30 minutes....
I found this great shop by accident ,its on station square and had some lovely, lovely things, a delight.. love the Swedish style clock, in side I noticed they sold the Danish made Maileg( Check out there website) elf's, rabbits and lovely little wooden high chairs and prams etc for there rabbits and elf's to sit in, such pretties, and you know I am getting more and more in to vintage toys, well....

My son snuck back and bought me this little Maileg pram for my birthday, Very touched by this gestures as he bought it from his first wages as he started his first job last week, He is starting six form college i Sept, and is just coming to the end of his GCSE,S. I had such a lump in my throat and said he was,nt to waste his money on me, but he did look so proud and i love it and will treasure it!!! These moments in life are precious ar,nt they?

Is,nt it sweet, with little ted taking a ride..

When we arrived home two large bouquet of flowers were waiting for me in our out building ,sent by friends, and a little parcel I had ordered from a fellow blogger and craft er, i will let you see next post..
In the evening D asked if I wanted to go out again,(AM i not spoilt?), but decided to stay in so D and Nat prepared me a lovely birthday supper and decorated the dinning room with bunting and set they table,even picking roses from the garden to decorate the table. Wont bore you with what we had, but had some lovely bubbly and a fab cake from M&S.. I had a fab evening ,but best of all spending some precious time with my boys was the best pressie....
Part of my dinning room , this room is over 45ft long and is double height at one end and was an old black smiths barn. I have not really shown you this room ,don't know why, i will show you more if you would like ? let me know. In all I had such a great day, did not want it to end,, when you have had such a great day, its hard to slip back into the next work day, but every body wished me happy birthday next day and more cake was partaken , (i dare not weigh my self!!) Can you over dose on cake, if so book me into the priory clinic!!
When we arrived home two large bouquet of flowers were waiting for me in our out building ,sent by friends, and a little parcel I had ordered from a fellow blogger and craft er, i will let you see next post..
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Hello girls , how are you all doing ? I am having a very rare evening, I am alone in the house ,D is away working and Nat is away at a motor bike rally with family friends, there both away over night and returning tomorrow, so when I got in from work to night I knew I could do just what I wanted.... Just had to feed the furry babies and then the evening was mine.... So after a leisurely bath, a glass of chilled white wine, and a supper of anchovy salad(addicted to anchovies!!) fresh mango and chocolate ice cream , I decided to spend a guilt free ,blissful hour or so reading your lovely blogs and dropping into Ebay, lolling on my bed ,relaxing and just enjoying having me time.... and half watching my big fat Greek wedding at the same time....John Corbet is rather yummy... don't you think? Hes in sex in the city is,nt he?
This is the lovely 30,s tea pot I found a last weeks car boot at Ripon, So kitch.. but so pretty as well , I love her , she is in perfect condition and cost £6.oo.. shes over 10 inches tall and I just knew she was coming home with me the minute I saw her...
I also found this little lady, thought she would look great in my bed room..

This little jug spoke to me too and said take me home.. so I did.. £1. Filled with garden flowers. As you have probably gather from reading my blog I love flowers , and florals , but recently I have been drawn to roses more and more...
And when I was doing my weekly trolley drudge round Tescos, I came out of my trolley stupor when my eyes fell on this dress/top. I rushed towards this vintage style beauty.I love the vintage print and the shape and detailing in the waist area. too short for me to wear as just a dress at my great age but just right with jeans for my hols! Only £16.. a bargain I felt...
I have been a fan of designer Rachel Riley for ages ,her style is so romantic and vintage, check her web site out, she has a shop in London ,but lives in France in a dream like chateau , so so perfectly beautiful , her house has been featured in country living ,you may remember seeing it? Any way her clothes are fairly expensive, so was thrilled to win this on Ebay last week at a price I was willing to pay.. I am going to wear it on my birthday with a little green shrug when I go to bettys for lunch in Harrogate next week..

Continuing the roses theme.. just thought i would show you part of my front garden as i did the back garden last blog..this is the the view from my sitting room window.. the rose is Albertine and is slowly covering the window, the house is fast beginning to look like Miss Havershams house, the house that time forgot.. cant bear to clip it back though!!
This is part of my front garden... iv gone for the full cottage garden ,over blown look..

How cliched is this? roses around the cottage door.. this is the rose New Dawn...
The smell and scent is amazing in the evening, not only of roses but jasmine and lavender as well , when the sitting room window is open it wafts in.... some times small things give most pleasure.. What is your favorite scent or smell and what does it evoke? I would love to know....I often think of my grand parents ( long long dead) and there lovely garden and playing in there large walled garden on what seamed like endless summer days as a child, when I smell certain Flowers I am transported back....Ha.. Well lovely ladies ,I am off for another glass of wine and a wander around my garden ... and I am thinking about tomorrows car boot and what it may yield.. love Linda.
This little jug spoke to me too and said take me home.. so I did.. £1. Filled with garden flowers. As you have probably gather from reading my blog I love flowers , and florals , but recently I have been drawn to roses more and more...
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
I topiaryed the little bushes my self, bought the acid coloured trees and clipped and shaped them they were a tesco ,£2.99 bargain, its take me two years to et them like this...
some more of my serene felines, resting ,idling in the garden...
Nigela, so gorgeous .
I collect stone from the river and pile them and also make circles ,just to add interest ,very tactile,lovely and smooth worn by the river...
This is the view from my garden up to Richmond castle, and over the roofs of all the old stone houses and cottages...
Monday, 7 June 2010
Here we are, every body had,nt arrived yet, so the circle kept getting bigger and bigger, it looks like we are having a pow wow, or we are going to dance round the tree! a lovely time was had by all , one lovely neighbour (of Pakistani decent) brought fab Curry's and poppadoms, some one else brought cream scones and strawberries and we supplied Breton cider(HICK) At about 10.30 the police drove by slowly, I think they either thought we we a group of unruly teenagers or a druid meeting, so funny as the average age must have been 60! one elderly very genteel nieghbour who is 78 said , ho do you think we will get an asbo, wouldnt that be something at my age!!!( with excitment in her voice)....
After the second cup and watching a very industrious blackbird who has made a nest in the honeysuckle go back wards and forwards with full beak ,i could feel my Self been restored.. har..
I found these sweet little child's part tea set..........
these two beautiful sugar bowls to add to my ever growing collection of them..33 up to now, ,but I do use them ,honest I do, well some times, don't they look happy all together?!! its one of my one weaknesses!!!!
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